Welcome to the MBDA Capital Readiness Program

Operated by M. Gill & Associates Inc.

This MBDA Capital Readiness Program is geared toward propelling socially and economically disadvantaged individuals (SEDI’s) toward financial opportunities and business success! The MBDA Capital Readiness Program will provide no-cost technical assistance services to businesses in Florida, the U.S. Territories, and businesses that reach out to us from other U.S. States.

Technical Assistance Services include:

More direct one-on-one services include:

  • Financial Management Training
  • One-on-one Business Coaching
  • Financial Literacy Training
  • Homeownership Counseling and Mortgage Referrals
  • Business Planning Services and Solutions
  • Online Capacity Building Services
  • Loan and Grant Application Services
  • Credit Counseling and Repair Services
  • CPA Referral Services
  • Connections to SSBCI and Other Business Financing Resources

About the Capital Readiness Program:

Capacity Building

Technical assistance services and curricula to assist with launching and developing scalable and investable businesses.

Access to Capital
Technical assistance to apply for state SSBCI programs and/or other similar federal, state, or local government programs that promote American entrepreneurship and democratize access to startup capital across the country. Including the facilitation of investor meetings, pitches, demo days, crowdfunding, and other capital introduction events.

Access to Networks
Resources and programs that help connect minority and other underserved entrepreneurs to a larger community of business mentors, coaches, service providers, subject matter experts and peers who understand and address specific challenges.


Every U.S. state, including territories, has been allocated different levels of funding through the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) to assist qualifying businesses in starting and growing. Our services specifically cover Florida, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. This initiative provides vital financial support tailored to the unique needs and opportunities within these regions.

Our Curricula include:

  • Peer Support, Business Advisory, and Subject Matter Expertise to support Early-Stage Development and with specific technical services and training
  • Concepts of financial management and why it is important to small businesses

Need Capital?

Are you seeking financing for your business and want to learn more about how we can help, please reach out to us and we will channel your needs through the proper sources internally, or to our partners who can help.

Action Steps for Funding Opportunities:

  • Identify SSBCI Capital Programs in Florida
  • Identify Banks, CDFIs, Credit Unions, Community Reinvestment Areas (CRAs) and other alternative funding methods to assist SEDIs with obtaining capital for their businesses
  • Identify grant opportunities targeted for SEDIs and simplify the application process through AI

The MBDA Capital Readiness Program (CRP), operated by M. Gill & Associates, provides no-cost technical assistance services to prepare and propel socially and economically disadvantaged individuals (SEDI’s) toward financial opportunities and business success! Services are available to start-up and established businesses in Florida, the U.S. Territories, and to businesses that reach out to us from any other U.S. State.

We Are Here To Help!

With the help of our partners, we look forward to helping your business prepare for and access the capital it needs to survive and thrive!